Shielded from Plagues (Part II)
“No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling.” (Psalm 91:10, New King James Version).
This is the key Bible verse for the “Come and See” devotional today.
It is not enough to be resident in the house of God to enjoy divine protection from plagues. We must also be conscious of the healing power of the Balm of Gilead when we focus upon God as our only source of preservation from evil. King David said: “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2, New International Version). God will reveal Himself to us and His response to our request is often specific to each of us, in accordance with His name.
For instance, we read in Exodus 15 that after God healed the bitter water of Marah, God revealed His name as Jehovah Rapha [The Healer]. God said: “if you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26, New International Version). It is important to realise that God never changes and likewise, His power to save and deliver does not change.
The Almighty God wants us to look to Him alone for preservation. In Numbers 21, the Bible describes one occasion when the children of Israel were bitten by venomous snakes as a result of their sin. However, they then cried out to God, while Moses prayed on their behalf. In response, God asked Moses to make a bronze snake to be hung on a pole and stated that whoever looked at it will be healed. The Bible states: “so Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.” (Numbers 21:9, New International Version).
This response of the Almighty was intended to remind the Israelites always to look upon Him as their healer in the midst of pestilences and contagious diseases. The Bible states: “those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” (Psalm 34:5, New International Version). This reading clearly indicates that, as long as we focus on God as our only source of protection, then we are indeed well-preserved from the effects of evil plagues.
On the other hand, just as the wall of protection of the Israelites was broken through sin, our own divine walls of protection or preservation can also become vulnerable from the effect of our sins. Thus: “whoever breaks through a wall will be bitten by a snake.” (Ecclesiastes 10:8b, New King James Version). Your wall of defence from epidemics or plagues is as strong as the strength of your purity and faith in the Holy God .Consequently, our walls must remain intact through Holy Living!
Let us pray: “Father, I declare that you are my refuge and fortress. May I receive your Grace to be conscious of your protective edge around me and my family,” in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.
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